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Doctors Unbound with David Draghinas, MD

Mar 25, 2019

Is the golden age of medicine over or is it being replaced with one of physician entrepreneurship?

That’s a question most physicians I know are wondering about more and more as the landscape of healthcare changes right from under us.

Technology has and will continue to impact our medical journeys which provides us...

Mar 18, 2019

Life’s leisure luxuries don’t come to us without a cost, but they’re worth it.

More freedom with family is worth it.

Supplemented income and the ability to monetize our interests are worth it.

These are just a few of the reasons physicians pursue the extra commitment and keep going despite potential hurdles (seen...

Mar 11, 2019

Urgent Care by Urgent Specialists is an Urgent Care facility available to patients needing their ability to be seen improved and at a competitive rate. So, for the past 2 years, Dr. Robert Dean, CEO, and his leadership team have worked tirelessly at building relationships with insurance companies and providers that can...

Mar 4, 2019

Many hospitals are bringing in physicians who understand social media. Some hospitals have employed doctors like Dr. Shikha Jain to use social media to further its vision of connecting patients with various forms of resources. This is why Dr. Jain believes wholeheartedly in doctors becoming more media-present.